Everytime I think I’ve had enough of you
I take you back again
Not because I need a friend
Just because I can’t pretend
Like the others do
You think you’re really serious
Clever and mysterious
Talking like you’re dangerous
Talking like a fool
Every day there’s someone else
Who wants to get with me
I’m telling you
If you know what’s good for you
Treat me like you used to do
Love me like before
’cos all I can do is watch and wonder
Where the boy I know has gone
You say that you want me, well it’s
Time to tell your friends where they belong
You can find it in your heart
Give a little love
Have a little faith
In the two of us
You can find it in your soul
Give a little love
Have a little faith
In the two of us
’cos all I can do is watch and wonder
Where the boy I know has gone
Little boy I don’t want anything to do with you
Get on your knees
I’m the one you have to please
Not the ones you want to be
I don’t think you’re cool
’cos soon you can only watch and wonder
Where the girl you knew has gone
And then you will realise that
Everything you did to me was wrong
’cos soon you can only watch and wonder
And do you really wanna lose a friend
You gotta understand or it has to end
’cos I don’t wanna wait for you anymore
Can’t take it anymore
If You Forget Me
I want you to know one thing
You know how this is
If I look at the crystal moon
At the red branch of the slow autumn at my window
If I touch near the fire the impalpable ash
Or the wrinkled body of the log
Everything carries me to you
As if everything that exists - aromas, light, metals
Were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me
Well, now
If little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you
Little by little
If suddenly you forget me
Do not look for me
For I shall already have forgotten you
If you think it long and mad the wind of banners that passes through my life
And you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots
That on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms
And my roots will set off to seek another land
But if each day, each hour, you feel that you are destined for me
With implacable sweetness
If each day a flower climbs up to your lips to seek me
Ahh my love, ahh my own, in me all that fire is repeated
In me nothing is extinguished or forgotten
My love feeds on your love, beloved
And as long as you live, it will be in your arms without leaving mine
I'm strong
But I break
I'm stubborn
And I make plenty of mistakes
Yeah I'm hard
And life with me is never easy
To figure out, to love
I'm jaded but oh so lovely
All you have to do is hold me
And you'll know and you'll see just how sweet it can be
If you'll trust me, love me, let me
Maybe, maybe
When we're at the same place
When we're on the same road
When it's okay to hold my hand
Without feeling lost
Without all the excuses
When it's just because you love me, you let me, you need me
Then maybe, maybe
All you have to do is hold me
And you'll know and you'll see just how sweet it can be
If you'll trust me, love me, let me
Maybe, maybe
I'm confusing as hell
I'm north and south
And I'll probably never have it all figured out
But what I know is I wasn't meant to walk this world without you
And I promise I'll try
Yeah I'm gonna try to give you every little part of me
Every single detail you missed with your eyes
Then maybe
Maybe, yeah maybe
One day
We'll meet again and you'll need me, you'll see me completely
Every little bit
Oh yeah maybe you'll love me, you'll love me then
I don't want to be tough
And I don't want to be proud
I don't need to be fixed and I certainly don't need to be found
I'm not lost
I need to be loved
I just need to be loved
I just want to be loved by you and I won't stop 'cause I believe
That maybe, yeah maybe
Maybe, yeah maybe
I should know better than to touch the fire twice
But I'm thinking maybe, yeah maybe you might
Maybe, love maybe